MPe firmware update

The latest firmware version (v6.010) can be downloaded here:

If you will find update history and the latest version, click HERE.

We focus on development

We are constantly improving and working on the operation of our MPe system. Like any computer, MPe also has firmware that will be updated. We always encourage you to upload the latest version of the firmware available in this article at the top of the page.

Instructional video

Our videos with MPe computer presentation have subtitles in English.

Firmware update process:

To connect the MPe computer to the PC (to update the firmware) use the programming tool.

The firmware is updated with the Xloader application, which can be downloaded by clicking here:

(Password for the archive is: bikel)

Xloader for updating MPe computer firmware
Xloader for updating MPe computer firmware
  1. The first time you connect the programming tool to your computer, an internet connection is required to automatically install the drivers.
  2. Connect the programming tool to the Mpe motherboard and PC (MPe computer should be powered from the bicycle battery).
  3. The program should indicate a file with MPe firmware that has the * .hex extension.
  4. In the “Device” field, select the Uno device (Atmega328).
  5. Select the COM port (on each PC, the programming tool is installed under a different number – choose the right one for you).
  6. In the Baud rate field enter: 115200.
  7. Click Upload and wait for confirmation, which will appear on the bottom bar of the program.
  8. Disconnect the programming tool from the computer and MPe motherboard.
  9. Ready 😊

Process of initialization and restore default values:

Sometimes, e.g. for large firmware updates or when replacing the microcontroller, you will need to initialize (i.e. set initial states) and restore the default configuration parameters of the MPe device.

How do you know that your device requires initialization?

  1. If this is required when updating the firmware, it will certainly be mentioned in the current version.
  2. If our MiniOled screen hangs on the startup logo and no data is sent to the smartphone application
MiniOled - startup logo
MiniOled - startup logo

If one of the above-mentioned situations occurs, it means that we have to carry out the MPe initialization process, which looks like this:

  1. Upload a file with initialization firmware for the current version of the firmware.*
    *(Proceed in the same way as for firmware update, the process of which is described above. The initialization firmware has the “_init” in its name (and like the main firmware, it has the “* .hex” file extension).)
  2. Disconnect the FTDI programming tool from the PC.
  3. Turn the vehicle / MPe computer off and on again. After uploading the initialization firmware, “INIT OK” will appear on the MiniOled screen.
  4. Turn the vehicle / MPe computer off and on again. Then, “LOAD OK” will appear on the MiniOled screen.
  5. Upload the MPe main firmware, following the process of firmware update as described above.
MiniOled - INIT OK
MiniOled - INIT OK
MiniOled - LOAD OK
MiniOled - LOAD OK

Above are screens that appear one by one during the initialization process of the MPe computer. If we do not have a MiniOled display connected, then we proceed exactly as described above, we will simply not see any subsequent screens.

Change history

If you also have ideas for improving the MPe system, we are always open. Contact us using the FORM placed on this blog.

Click on the firmware version to check the changes in the firmware.

– bugfix: disable torque sensor at startup when PAS is disabled

– small bugfix in configuration (not visible to end user)

– added torque sensor bottom bracket compatibility
– fasted pedal assist startup time without „pas boost” option

– bugfix of temperature reading for 2 wire sensors (type 1 and 2 for MPe) powered from 4.3V instead of 5V

– unofficial release

– bugfix of self changing assist level on MiniOled display 
Minor high powered vehicles was affected by this issue, becouse of high electromagnetic noise.

The first official release of MPeV6.

The MPeV6 computer has undergone very larfe firmware and production changes compared to the MPeV5 computer. The MPeV6 computer is a very big development in the project.

– the battery voltage reading can be adjusted using parameter 12 VOL_DIV
– correction of an error which, with some temperature sensors, at negative temperatures, generated invalid readings, which resulted in activation of the overheating protection and prevented driving

NOTE: After upgrading to this version, set parameter No. 12 VOL_DIV to “32915” (default calibration of battery voltage reading). Without it, battery voltage will be shown invalid.

Download HERE

– eliminating the error that caused in combination with some displays (5% of items) device reset at adding throttle

– unofficial release

Improved cooperation with the MPeBT application:
– now the speed is decimal
– ability to limit mode on / limit mode off (power limit 250W and 25km/h) from the MPeBT application
– improved parameter No. 52 “BT_BUTTONS” functionality

NOTE: After upgrading to this version set configuration parameters No. 6 and No. 35 (autolimit option and max. speed on mode 4)
– changing the screen behavior configuration screen (from now on everything can be set from the display level)
– adding autolimit mode at startup
– the ability to define the maximum speeds for power assist mode 4
– adding a function to the MPeSET application reading all parameters at once
– daily distance (trip) for application on a smartphone as 0.0 (decimal part added)
– improved speed of operation settings via usb / serial / bt

– improving the throttle speed on 5-th assist level

– improvement of voltages for set parameters TOT
– faster PAS power expiration after pedaling stopped

– much more data sent for application on a smartphone, cooperation with the latest application MPeBT v1.2
– definitely smoother work PAS assistance and easier positioning sliders in the MPeSET application
– removing PAS jerks, after temporarily stop pedaling and re-pedaling
– removing PAS jerks, after momentarily applying the brake
– adding confirmation releasing / releasing the throttle grip, after using the brake when activating the cruise control and when changing modes (you can deactivate in MpeSET)
– the ability to activate throttle limit in assist modes. Each mode individually (from MPeSET application level)
– visibility of assist modes cannot be turned off from now (at first screen – they are always visible and work on PAS or throttle)
– adding zero reset of current sensor from MPeSET application (2304 5)
– canceling the screen refresh every 3 minutes and returning to the home screen +/- buttons can be used in the MPeBT application to change modes, after pressing once (useful when it has neither a display nor a smartphone on the steering wheel)

After upgrading from earlier versions you must download the application for this version MPeSET version 1.2, and then set in the application MPeSET v1.2 parameters:
Without this device behavior canbe unpredictable.

– matching with the latest MPeBT v1.1 application (change of indication of current to temperature 1 and adding assist mode indication)

– extension of tolerance to interference and noise in the current sensor installation
– now switching between limit mode on / limit mode off takes place between steps 3/4 support, not 5/1
– maximum speed is not saved from now on to memory only after being switched on again MPe will be 0.0 km/h

– adding support for temperature sensors working on common mass, with sensors hall, e.g. in the Mxus 3K Turbo engine

– optimization of charging cycle counting
– optimization of the voltage reading indication and electricity > 100

– improvement of current reading noise filtration
– improvement of thermal protection operation

The first official release of the firmware

Stay tuned 😊:

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