MPe computer for e-bike

The brain of an electric vehicle

(version MPeV6)

The MPe computer is the command center of electric bike. The MPe is a device that manages the controller and also provides a lot of information to the cyclist. Our system is installed mainly on ebikes, electric tricycles and even monster ebikes.

The MPe computer is the one and only such a system in Europe that with its functions, versatility and design distinguishes itself on the electromobility market. The MPe system is dedicated to vehicles built from scratch, mainly electric bicycles. Its unique features and number of capabilities have already been appreciated by many users. The system itself is very successful.

Main module MPe – heart of the MPe (V6) computer
Main module MPe – heart of the MPe (V6) computer
Main module of the MPe computer
Main module of the MPe computer

Lots of new opportunities

for an electric vehicle

The MPe computer gives a number of possibilities for electrical vehicles, mainly comfort and safety. It’s over 30 interesting possibilities. The ride becomes very comfortable, smooth and suited to the vehicle user. Thanks to the transparent readability of the function, it is the rider himself who can set up his e-bike the way he needs it or is forced by the terrain. Being aware of how many km you can travel on the remaining battery, adjusting the power of the thumb throttle, protection against overheating of the motor or controller, the possibility of adding the PAS pedall assisst system function (torque sensor and/or cadence sensor) to every controller available on the market, the possibility of adding the cruise control function, this is what our customers are looking for.

Fox exapmle:

  • driving in the mountains (power boost on start),
  • lowlands (cruise control function),
  • or the city (limiting speed and power to e.g. 25km/h and 250W)

are only a part of the possibilities offered by the MPe system for e-bikes.

Pedal assist system PAS to each driver

Unusual display design

compatible with MPe computer

  • MaxiColor 850C big color display (on sale from mid 2020)

MPe wattmeter since 2016

This small device is the result of several years of very intensive work on the design of the MPe computer for electric vehicles. Inside lies the entire system that gives so much functionality for our e-bikes (in particular for electric bikes built from scratch).

In fact, 2020 is a breakthrough year for us. The project was constantly developing, new improvements were made and their culmination took place on 23.05.2020. It was then that we officially released the latest version of V6 with lots of new possibilities for electric vehicles, replacing the previous version of MPe (V5).

If you want to see what the previous versions of the MPe computer (from V1) looked like, check out the article below:

MPe computer in electric vehicles

In fact, not only electric bikes (although mainly) are supported by our meter. Our clients also install this solution for:

  • Electric tricycles
  • Electric scooter
  • electric motorcycle
Electric Derbi Senda with MPe computer
Electric Derbi Senda
  • e-bikes
e-bike Minion + e-bike Spark
e-bike Minion + e-bike Spark

More functionalities for the MPe computer

The MPe wattmeter is recognized by a growing number of electric vehicle users. We are very happy when we get so many positive words from you about the operation of our MPe system. This only confirms our belief that the product is:

„unique and special

MPe (V6) computer does the job

„is refined in detail

Yes, yes, these are your words 😀. Thanks!

Keep your fingers crossed for us and we wish you pleasant travels and as we say “stay with the current” 😉 crew
Ann i Mark

Stay tuned 😎

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