MPe firmware update

The latest firmware version (v6.010) can be downloaded here:

If you will find update history and the latest version, click HERE.

We focus on development

We are constantly improving and working on the operation of our MPe system. Like any computer, MPe also has firmware that will be updated. We always encourage you to upload the latest version of the firmware available in this article at the top of the page.

Instructional video

Our videos with MPe computer presentation have subtitles in English.

Firmware update process:

To connect the MPe computer to the PC (to update the firmware) use the programming tool.

The firmware is updated with the Xloader application, which can be downloaded by clicking here:

(Password for the archive is: bikel)

Xloader for updating MPe computer firmware
Xloader for updating MPe computer firmware
  1. The first time you connect the programming tool to your computer, an internet connection is required to automatically install the drivers.
  2. Connect the programming tool to the Mpe motherboard and PC (MPe computer should be powered from the bicycle battery).
  3. The program should indicate a file with MPe firmware that has the * .hex extension.
  4. In the “Device” field, select the Uno device (Atmega328).
  5. Select the COM port (on each PC, the programming tool is installed under a different number – choose the right one for you).
  6. In the Baud rate field enter: 115200.
  7. Click Upload and wait for confirmation, which will appear on the bottom bar of the program.
  8. Disconnect the programming tool from the computer and MPe motherboard.
  9. Ready 😊

Process of initialization and restore default values:

Sometimes, e.g. for large firmware updates or when replacing the microcontroller, you will need to initialize (i.e. set initial states) and restore the default configuration parameters of the MPe device.

How do you know that your device requires initialization?

  1. If this is required when updating the firmware, it will certainly be mentioned in the current version.
  2. If our MiniOled screen hangs on the startup logo and no data is sent to the smartphone application
MiniOled - startup logo
MiniOled - startup logo

If one of the above-mentioned situations occurs, it means that we have to carry out the MPe initialization process, which looks like this:

  1. Upload a file with initialization firmware for the current version of the firmware.*
    *(Proceed in the same way as for firmware update, the process of which is described above. The initialization firmware has the “_init” in its name (and like the main firmware, it has the “* .hex” file extension).)
  2. Disconnect the FTDI programming tool from the PC.
  3. Turn the vehicle / MPe computer off and on again. After uploading the initialization firmware, “INIT OK” will appear on the MiniOled screen.
  4. Turn the vehicle / MPe computer off and on again. Then, “LOAD OK” will appear on the MiniOled screen.
  5. Upload the MPe main firmware, following the process of firmware update as described above.
MiniOled - INIT OK
MiniOled - INIT OK
MiniOled - LOAD OK
MiniOled - LOAD OK

Above are screens that appear one by one during the initialization process of the MPe computer. If we do not have a MiniOled display connected, then we proceed exactly as described above, we will simply not see any subsequent screens.

Change history

If you also have ideas for improving the MPe system, we are always open. Contact us using the FORM placed on this blog.

Click on the firmware version to check the changes in the firmware.

– bugfix: disable torque sensor at startup when PAS is disabled

– small bugfix in configuration (not visible to end user)

– added torque sensor bottom bracket compatibility
– fasted pedal assist startup time without „pas boost” option

– bugfix of temperature reading for 2 wire sensors (type 1 and 2 for MPe) powered from 4.3V instead of 5V

– unofficial release

– bugfix of self changing assist level on MiniOled display 
Minor high powered vehicles was affected by this issue, becouse of high electromagnetic noise.

The first official release of MPeV6.

The MPeV6 computer has undergone very larfe firmware and production changes compared to the MPeV5 computer. The MPeV6 computer is a very big development in the project.

– the battery voltage reading can be adjusted using parameter 12 VOL_DIV
– correction of an error which, with some temperature sensors, at negative temperatures, generated invalid readings, which resulted in activation of the overheating protection and prevented driving

NOTE: After upgrading to this version, set parameter No. 12 VOL_DIV to “32915” (default calibration of battery voltage reading). Without it, battery voltage will be shown invalid.

Download HERE

– eliminating the error that caused in combination with some displays (5% of items) device reset at adding throttle

– unofficial release

Improved cooperation with the MPeBT application:
– now the speed is decimal
– ability to limit mode on / limit mode off (power limit 250W and 25km/h) from the MPeBT application
– improved parameter No. 52 “BT_BUTTONS” functionality

NOTE: After upgrading to this version set configuration parameters No. 6 and No. 35 (autolimit option and max. speed on mode 4)
– changing the screen behavior configuration screen (from now on everything can be set from the display level)
– adding autolimit mode at startup
– the ability to define the maximum speeds for power assist mode 4
– adding a function to the MPeSET application reading all parameters at once
– daily distance (trip) for application on a smartphone as 0.0 (decimal part added)
– improved speed of operation settings via usb / serial / bt

– improving the throttle speed on 5-th assist level

– improvement of voltages for set parameters TOT
– faster PAS power expiration after pedaling stopped

– much more data sent for application on a smartphone, cooperation with the latest application MPeBT v1.2
– definitely smoother work PAS assistance and easier positioning sliders in the MPeSET application
– removing PAS jerks, after temporarily stop pedaling and re-pedaling
– removing PAS jerks, after momentarily applying the brake
– adding confirmation releasing / releasing the throttle grip, after using the brake when activating the cruise control and when changing modes (you can deactivate in MpeSET)
– the ability to activate throttle limit in assist modes. Each mode individually (from MPeSET application level)
– visibility of assist modes cannot be turned off from now (at first screen – they are always visible and work on PAS or throttle)
– adding zero reset of current sensor from MPeSET application (2304 5)
– canceling the screen refresh every 3 minutes and returning to the home screen +/- buttons can be used in the MPeBT application to change modes, after pressing once (useful when it has neither a display nor a smartphone on the steering wheel)

After upgrading from earlier versions you must download the application for this version MPeSET version 1.2, and then set in the application MPeSET v1.2 parameters:
Without this device behavior canbe unpredictable.

– matching with the latest MPeBT v1.1 application (change of indication of current to temperature 1 and adding assist mode indication)

– extension of tolerance to interference and noise in the current sensor installation
– now switching between limit mode on / limit mode off takes place between steps 3/4 support, not 5/1
– maximum speed is not saved from now on to memory only after being switched on again MPe will be 0.0 km/h

– adding support for temperature sensors working on common mass, with sensors hall, e.g. in the Mxus 3K Turbo engine

– optimization of charging cycle counting
– optimization of the voltage reading indication and electricity > 100

– improvement of current reading noise filtration
– improvement of thermal protection operation

The first official release of the firmware

Stay tuned 😊:

FB group e-BIKEL-owcy technically about electric vehicles

Group e-BIKEL-owcy

In the Facebook group we exchange experiences and comments on electric vehicles

MPeV5 construction, diagrams, PCB

In this article you will learn how MpeV5 is built ([PL] Mózg Pojazdu Elektrycznego = [ENG] Brain of an Electric Vehicle), i.e. an on-board computer for electric vehicles.

You can watch the presentation on the YouTube channel:


No electronic device can do without a schematic diagram, which is why we start with them:

MPeV5 schematic diagram – main module
MPeV5 schematic diagram – main module
PowerPCB v1 schematic diagram
PowerPCB v1 schematic diagram

Above we have two schematic diagrams of the Motherboard and the power supply and current measurement module, AKA “PowerPCB.” These are two of the three main modules. In addition to them there is also a display.

MiniOled display
MiniOled display
MPe display on my ebike - Minion
MPe display on my ebike - Minion

Printed Curcuit Boards

And this is how PCB’s look, based on the above schematic diagrams:


The dimensions of individual modules can be seen in the following drawings and photos.

The heart of the design

Yes, as your trained eye has probably already noticed – the heart of the design is the Atmega328P module, a popular Arduino Pro Mini clone.

The ADS1115 analog-to-digital converter module and the real-time clock module DS3231 (dedicated to Raspberry Pi) has been added to this. The whole is crowned with a DC / DC step down converter, based on the LTC3639 circuit, lowering and stabilizing the voltage from 4-150V to 5V. There are also a few resistors, connectors, capacitors and several plastics. Finally we have a working on-board computer!

All this to maximize the pleasure of riding our beloved two-wheeler! (hmmm basically who said that MPe can’t be mounted to something bigger than a bike ?! it could be!)

Probably many of you will ask if it could not be all assembled on one PCB? Why solder modules? And so that it is cheaper and easier for those who want to build such a computer by themselves! It is much simpler to solder the entire module than to bother with tiny SMD components. In large-scale production, of course, the situation would be the opposite and it would be better to do everything on one PCB. For the end user, the effect will be exactly the same, i.e. the display on the handlebar 🙂

The display’s and motherboard’s housing are made in FDM 3D printing technology of ABS plastic. The cable and the display cover are mounted on a sealant, and the display and buttons are covered with hot glue to maximally make the screen resistant to weather conditions. They are checked both at minus temperatures, as well as rain or snow. Works flawlessly 🙂. The motherboard in the housing is not water resistant and is intended for installation inside a sealed electronics box.


Click below to download schematics and plates.

Stay tuned 😊 :

MPeBT app for smartphone

Smartphone apps - downloads:

At the moment there are two separate applications:

  • one serving as a „display” – >> MPe BT – ENGLISH VERSION

*Compatible with MPe mainboard firmware from version v6.008. Go to the archive.

  • second one used for settings – >> MPe SET – ENGLISH VERSION

*Compatible with MPe mainboard firmware from version v6.008. Go to the archive.

In this article you will find out (shortcuts, click on a given section and go to the selected fragment):

If you will find APP ARCHIVE and the latest version, click HERE.

For whom it's this APP?

The MPe computer has the ability to communicate via a MPeBT module with a smartphone (Android OS).

  • Thanks to this connection, we can display data, such as speed or range, on the screen of our smartphone.
  • In addition, we have configuration options transferred to the phone, because everything can be set both from the display on the handlebar and from the MPeSET application.
  • It is also possible to add buttons to your electric vehicle. Then we can completely operate without any display on the handlebar and control the MPe computer with these buttons.
  • The buttons on the handlebar may also facilitate the use of the system, e.g. while wearing contactless gloves.
Buttons for MaxiColor 850C display

At the moment only Android OS is supported.

INFORMAION: the MPeBT module does not work in cooperation with the MaxiColor 850C display.

About MPeBT module

The whole is based on the popular HC-05 module. To facilitate cooperation, I designed a special adapter, i.e. a tiny PCB, which we connect to the MPeBT module, and then plug it into the motherboard. The resulting “bumps” are filled with 3D printing, and finally wrapped in a heat shrink.

Installation process

The applications are available for download in * .apk format.

To download such an application to your phone:

  • download it directly to the smartphone’s memory or copy it from a computer using a USB cable.
  • Then run the downloaded file and follow the instructions on the screen.
  • By default, Android has blocked the ability to upload such applications for fear of viruses. To unlock it, go to the phone settings and activate the “Allow app installation from sources other than Google Play Store” tab in the security tab.
  • When pairing the phone with MPe, you will be asked to enter the password. Then enter the password, which is four digits: 1234

And now a treat for DIYers 😀

Both applications were created on the free MIT APP Inventor website available at:

I encourage you to download the MPeBT application project and develop the project together! 😊

Thanks to this you can create an application tailored to your needs.


If you do this, be sure to show off the effects, SEND a project or screenshot to me and I will put it on my blog to make it available to others.

What data does MPe send over BT?

The MPe computer cyclically sends a data packet via MPeBT module to an Android application.

Currently, the data packet has the csv format: “MPe; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 9; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24 “where:

  1. Speed
  2. Distance to go
  3. Battery charge percentage
  4. Daily distance
  5. Instant power
  6. Temperature 1 (e.g. motor)
  7. Assist mode
  8. Total distance
  9. Average speed
  10. Maximum speed
  11. Moving time
  12. Battery voltage
  13. Instant Current
  14. Maximum current
  15. Maximum power
  16. Energy consumption per kilometer
  17. Battery capacity
  18. Current battery consumption (Ah)
  19. Temperature 2 (e.g. controller)
  20. Number of charging cycles
  21. Is the brake active
  22. Is the cruise control active
  23. Software version
  24. Is road mode active

The MPeBT smartphone application simply “cuts” this data in place of a semicolon and inserts it into individual fields on the screen.

Version History


By clicking on a particular app version, details of changes for a given version will be displayed.


– elimination of the bug that generated the error message: „Select list item: List index too large”

Compatible with MPe mainboard firmware from version v6.008

– added readings for torque sensor bottom bracket

Compatible with MPe mainboard firmware from version v6.008

– improved connection stability for some MPeBT modules

Compatible with MPe mainboard firmware from version v6.004 – v6.007

– improved connection stability for some MPeBT modules

Compatible with MPe mainboard firmware from version v6.004 – v6.007

First official release for MPeV6 BT

Compatible with MPe mainboard firmware from version v6.004 – v6.007

– bug fix causing message ” Select list item: List index too large”

Version MPeV5 BT for download in the archive
Version v1.4a will only work with
MPe software version from 5.010

– added possibility to activate / deactivate road mode (limit power up to 250W and 25km/h)

Version v1.4 will only work with MPe software version from 5.010

– bug fix causing hanging application when minimizing windows

Version v1.3 will only work with MPe software version up to 5.009

– added additional display data

(requires MPe software upgrade to version 5.006)

– improving the appearance of the application
– added assist mode change
– added automatic connection
– added the ability to switch between graphicaland a digital speed indicator

First official release for MPeV5 BT


– added configuration parameters for torque sensor bottom bracket

Compatible with MPe mainboard firmware from version v6.008

First official release for MPeV6 SET

Compatible with MPe mainboard firmware from version v6.004 – v6.007

– add the option of setting parameter No. 12 VOL_DIV
– improving readability

Version MPeV5 SET for download in the archive

– added the ability to read all MPe parameters at once
– added several comunicates for better interaction with the user
– unification of PID slider readings with those on the display (e.g. was 0.025 is 2500)

Version v1.3 will only work with MPe software version from 5.009

– adding additional settings

For MPe version from 5.006 to 5.008

Improved operation of the GET_D button

First official release MPeV5 SET

Stay tuned 😊

FB group e-BIKEL-owcy technically about electric vehicles

Group e-BIKEL-owcy

In the Facebook group we exchange experiences and comments on electric vehicles

Presentation of the MPeV5 computer

A really good idea 🎯

Work on this project lasted a long time (since the end of 2016). Today we are sure that spending that time turned out to be a really good idea 😊. All because:

we have the only such solution on the market
for you MPe computer for e-bike.

MPe computer set with MiniOled display
MPe computer set with MiniOled display



Thanks to this device we can equip your electric bike with such functions that you need:

  • PAS function – thanks to the MPe computer you have the option of activating the crank motion sensor, dosing the motor power, the so-called PAS – Pedal Assist System. The PAS sensor is a very useful and common function, especially on European markets. Thanks to PAS, the system begins to support our pedaling by detecting crank movement. The undoubted advantage of the MPe system is the fact that you can connect the PAS to every controller available on the market, even those more powered constructions.
  • you have the ability to choose the pedaling assist power, individual to your needs.
  • you know your range, on the remaining battery – you’ll never run out of battery. You will always get home safely, with electric assist. The MPe computer will show you exactly how many kilometers you have left to discharge the battery

  • do you like convenience? Very good. We still have something for you – the MPe system allows you to enable the cruise control function. Of course, you can increase or decrease this speed as you go.

  • many people are afraid of electric bikes being checked for acceptable speed and power output. We found a solution for this. Thanks to the function of easy switching between the statutory mode (<250W, 25km / h) and offroad (off-statutory / without restrictions), in 2 seconds you can ensure the comfort of “peace of mind” during control.

I want to see more data

about my vehicle

In addition, there are a number of other useful data and functions, including:

  • read battery voltage
  • read current and power consumed from the battery
  • read the amount of battery ampere-hours used
  • read two temperatures from LM35, NTC10k, KTY83 sensors
  • cut off drive at low battery voltage
  • cut off drive drive after exceeding the temperature 1 or 2
  • read number of battery charge cycles
  • read moving time
  • and many other data, including daily distance, total, speed reading up to 199 km/h or mil/h

Would you like to see all this data on your smartphone?

No problem 😊 – you can buy a MPeBT module. Thanks to this, you will be able to send data to your smartphone and you will be able to graphically read them on your device, with an Android system.

Reading MPe computer parameters on Android
MPe computer with smartphone app



On our Youtube channel, we have prepared a special playlist with episodes about the MPe computer. For more information on this topic, see the next article: MPe insructions – Youtube



At the end of 2019, we have prepared for you a site dedicated to the MPe computer: EBIKECOMPUTER.COM.In addition to the presentation of functions and opinions, there is also a gallery with pictures of the MPe computer on electric vehicles. You can’t miss it so view both: site and the gallery.

If you would like to read more information about the origins of the eBIKECOMPUTER.COM website. then welcome here.



Also, we would like add, that the project is constantly developing, and we plan to add other displays. We are working intensively on the implementation of a large, color display (planned premiere mid-2020). Be patient, because the impossible becomes possible for us 😉.

We encourage you to comment on the article below. If you have questions, WRITE to us.

Stay tuned

FB group e-BIKEL-owcy technically about electric vehicles

FB group „e-BIKEL-owcy"

In the Facebook group we exchange experiences and comments on electric vehicles crew – about MPe

We are pleased to present you a new website about the MPe computer.

Maybe later ....

The idea of ​​creating a website dedicated only to our MPe system has been born for a long time. But…

  •  no time
  •  other priorities related to the operation of the MPe system
  • lack of processing capacity

And finally it is. Website entirely dedicated to MPe computer.

The world is open

As most probably noticed, or will notice, the site has two language versions:

Which is why the website address was created for the “international” account and as they say:

“The world is open”

and we want to face him 😀 .


You take advantage?

We invite you to look at the new page about MPe computer. In the photo gallery you will also find many designs of electric vehicles with MPe system.

Strona o komputerze MPe -

Enjoy 😊 crew