MPeBT app for smartphone

Smartphone apps - downloads:

At the moment there are two separate applications:

  • one serving as a „display” – >> MPe BT – ENGLISH VERSION

*Compatible with MPe mainboard firmware from version v6.008. Go to the archive.

  • second one used for settings – >> MPe SET – ENGLISH VERSION

*Compatible with MPe mainboard firmware from version v6.008. Go to the archive.

In this article you will find out (shortcuts, click on a given section and go to the selected fragment):

If you will find APP ARCHIVE and the latest version, click HERE.

For whom it's this APP?

The MPe computer has the ability to communicate via a MPeBT module with a smartphone (Android OS).

  • Thanks to this connection, we can display data, such as speed or range, on the screen of our smartphone.
  • In addition, we have configuration options transferred to the phone, because everything can be set both from the display on the handlebar and from the MPeSET application.
  • It is also possible to add buttons to your electric vehicle. Then we can completely operate without any display on the handlebar and control the MPe computer with these buttons.
  • The buttons on the handlebar may also facilitate the use of the system, e.g. while wearing contactless gloves.
Buttons for MaxiColor 850C display

At the moment only Android OS is supported.

INFORMAION: the MPeBT module does not work in cooperation with the MaxiColor 850C display.

About MPeBT module

The whole is based on the popular HC-05 module. To facilitate cooperation, I designed a special adapter, i.e. a tiny PCB, which we connect to the MPeBT module, and then plug it into the motherboard. The resulting “bumps” are filled with 3D printing, and finally wrapped in a heat shrink.

Installation process

The applications are available for download in * .apk format.

To download such an application to your phone:

  • download it directly to the smartphone’s memory or copy it from a computer using a USB cable.
  • Then run the downloaded file and follow the instructions on the screen.
  • By default, Android has blocked the ability to upload such applications for fear of viruses. To unlock it, go to the phone settings and activate the “Allow app installation from sources other than Google Play Store” tab in the security tab.
  • When pairing the phone with MPe, you will be asked to enter the password. Then enter the password, which is four digits: 1234

And now a treat for DIYers 😀

Both applications were created on the free MIT APP Inventor website available at:

I encourage you to download the MPeBT application project and develop the project together! 😊

Thanks to this you can create an application tailored to your needs.


If you do this, be sure to show off the effects, SEND a project or screenshot to me and I will put it on my blog to make it available to others.

What data does MPe send over BT?

The MPe computer cyclically sends a data packet via MPeBT module to an Android application.

Currently, the data packet has the csv format: “MPe; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 9; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24 “where:

  1. Speed
  2. Distance to go
  3. Battery charge percentage
  4. Daily distance
  5. Instant power
  6. Temperature 1 (e.g. motor)
  7. Assist mode
  8. Total distance
  9. Average speed
  10. Maximum speed
  11. Moving time
  12. Battery voltage
  13. Instant Current
  14. Maximum current
  15. Maximum power
  16. Energy consumption per kilometer
  17. Battery capacity
  18. Current battery consumption (Ah)
  19. Temperature 2 (e.g. controller)
  20. Number of charging cycles
  21. Is the brake active
  22. Is the cruise control active
  23. Software version
  24. Is road mode active

The MPeBT smartphone application simply “cuts” this data in place of a semicolon and inserts it into individual fields on the screen.

Version History


By clicking on a particular app version, details of changes for a given version will be displayed.


– elimination of the bug that generated the error message: „Select list item: List index too large”

Compatible with MPe mainboard firmware from version v6.008

– added readings for torque sensor bottom bracket

Compatible with MPe mainboard firmware from version v6.008

– improved connection stability for some MPeBT modules

Compatible with MPe mainboard firmware from version v6.004 – v6.007

– improved connection stability for some MPeBT modules

Compatible with MPe mainboard firmware from version v6.004 – v6.007

First official release for MPeV6 BT

Compatible with MPe mainboard firmware from version v6.004 – v6.007

– bug fix causing message ” Select list item: List index too large”

Version MPeV5 BT for download in the archive
Version v1.4a will only work with
MPe software version from 5.010

– added possibility to activate / deactivate road mode (limit power up to 250W and 25km/h)

Version v1.4 will only work with MPe software version from 5.010

– bug fix causing hanging application when minimizing windows

Version v1.3 will only work with MPe software version up to 5.009

– added additional display data

(requires MPe software upgrade to version 5.006)

– improving the appearance of the application
– added assist mode change
– added automatic connection
– added the ability to switch between graphicaland a digital speed indicator

First official release for MPeV5 BT


– added configuration parameters for torque sensor bottom bracket

Compatible with MPe mainboard firmware from version v6.008

First official release for MPeV6 SET

Compatible with MPe mainboard firmware from version v6.004 – v6.007

– add the option of setting parameter No. 12 VOL_DIV
– improving readability

Version MPeV5 SET for download in the archive

– added the ability to read all MPe parameters at once
– added several comunicates for better interaction with the user
– unification of PID slider readings with those on the display (e.g. was 0.025 is 2500)

Version v1.3 will only work with MPe software version from 5.009

– adding additional settings

For MPe version from 5.006 to 5.008

Improved operation of the GET_D button

First official release MPeV5 SET

Stay tuned 😊

FB group e-BIKEL-owcy technically about electric vehicles

Group e-BIKEL-owcy

In the Facebook group we exchange experiences and comments on electric vehicles

2 thoughts on “MPeBT app for smartphone”

  1. Witajcie, zbieram się do stworzenia swojego pierwszego elektryka.

    Jestem na etapie zbierania informacji i wyboru najlepszych rozwiązań, które sprawdziły się u wielu użytkowników.

    Trafiłem do was i bardzo mnie zainteresowało stworzone rozwiązanie pppjakie proponujecie.

    Jestem raczej osoba, która nie chce zaśmiecać sobie kierownicy dodatkowymi rzeczami w erze telefonów komórkowych.

    Interesuje mnie zakup jednostki centralnej BBSHD bądź TSDZ2 i jeżeli zdecyduję się na MPe z BT to zastąpi mi pilot i wyświetlacz w 100%?

    Plan jest by w obecnym sezonie zebrać sprzęt i za rok ruszyć już w drogę na rowerze elektrycznym.

    Silnik centralny
    Manetka (ewentualnie kiedyś do podłączenia)
    Czujnik pass / naciku
    Oświetlenie (przód i tył)
    Obudowa na baterie w ramę z wydruku 3D bądź żywicy
    Mózg MPe V6 z BT

    Również szukam osób, które mają wiedzę i możliwości by wykonać skrzynkę z wydruku 3D bądź żywicy do mojego Kross Level 6.0 z 2019 roku, rama M z 29 calowymi kołami. Jest szansa na pomoc również w tym temacie?

    Pozdrawiam Damian.

    1. Cześć Damian, jeżeli myślisz o zastosowaniu dla swojego roweru silnika centralnego, to one mają już zaprogramowany i zintegrowany system, dlatego też MPe z nimi nie współpracuje. To samo dotyczy aplikacji BT, która działa tylko z naszym systemem MPe. Jeżeli nie chciałbyś wyświetlacza na kierownice, czy pilotów, to tutaj mamy rozwiązanie właśnie w postaci aplikacji BT na smartfon (android). W rachubę wchodzą tutaj natomiast silniki typu HUB. Obecnie do MPe jest możliwość podłączenia czujnika PAS, nie ma możliwość czujnika z naciskiem na pedały, jaki jest np. w TSDZ2. Wybór należy oczywiście do Ciebie. Jeżeli chciałbyś się z nami skonsultować w tej sprawie, to możemy umówić się na taką pomoc online i doradzimy Ci w wyborze. Zajrzyj proszę do artykułu:
      Co do skrzynek z wydruku 3D, to my na chwilę obecną nie świadczymy takiej usługi (tylko na potrzeby póki co własne), Trzeba by popatrzeć w internecie i coś poszukać, popytać na forach?
      Pozdrawiamy i powodzenia

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